As designers we are constantly bothered by all of the poorly designed things around us. We can whine about the worst offenders to friends, but by now they’ve learned to filter our complaints. It’s a tough life.
If you aren’t a RISD student you can consider yourself lucky to never have had to deal with WebAdvisor, and I apologize for the exclusive target audience of this post, but something had to be done.
I’ve created Safari and Chrome extensions to simplify the WebAdvisor interface. While the pieces themselves are unchanged, their appearance has been drastically simplified—no more faux small-caps, minuscule type, or unnecessary junk. With the horrid interface gone, now all of your focus can be on clearing your cookies.

You can download the Chrome extension or the Safari Extension.
To install these extensions you need to be using the latest version of Safari or Chrome—which you should be using anyways you fool… they are free.